Eligibity Criteria

  1. Climate Action Plans & Inventories
  2. Adaptation Plans & Assessments
  3. Building Energy Efficiency
  4. Clean Energy
  5. Finance & Economic Development
  6. Solid Waste
  7. Adaptation in Action
  8. Transportation
  9. Sustainable Communities
  10. Social Equity & Climate Change

*Project must have begun implementation in 2011 or later

*Project need to all or a substantial amount of project funds secured


Mercer’s Quality of Living Rankings Methodology

Mercer’s Quality of Living Rankings cover 230 prevalent destinations for globally mobile talent and are based on our Quality of Living Survey, which assesses quality of living conditions in over 440 locations to help multinational companies and other employers fairly compensate employees when placing them on international assignments.

Living conditions are analyzed according to 39 factors, grouped in 10 categories:

  1. Political and social environment (political stability, crime, law enforcement, etc.).
  2. Economic environment (currency exchange regulations, banking services).
  3. Socio-cultural environment (media availability and censorship, limitations on personal freedom).
  4. Medical and health considerations (medical supplies and services, infectious diseases, sewage, waste disposal, air pollution, etc.).
  5. Schools and education (standards and availability of international schools).
  6. Public services and transportation (electricity, water, public transportation, traffic congestion, etc.).
  7. Recreation (restaurants, theatres, cinemas, sports and leisure, etc.).
  8. Consumer goods (availability of food/daily consumption items, cars, etc.).
  9. Housing (rental housing, household appliances, furniture, maintenance services).
  10. Natural environment (climate, record of natural disasters).

*The scores attributed to each factor, which are weighted to reflect their importance to expatriates, permit objective city-to-citycomparisons. The result is a quality of living index that compares relative differences between any two locations evaluated. For the indices to be used effectively, Mercer has created a grid that enables users to link the resulting index to a quality of living or hardship allowance amount by recommending a percentage value in relation to the index


Quality Goes to Campus

Hal yang perlu dipersiapkan:

  1. Kerjasama dengan Kemendikbud, Kemenag.
  2. Fokus: Sekolah negeri, swasta, pesantren, yayasan.
  3. Mekanisme: Seleksi, promosi, implementasi, evaluasi, standardisasi.
  4. Lingkup: 5R, kaizen awarding.
  5. Pendanaan: pemerintah dan sponsor
  6. Partner: AHM, Toyota, Daihatsu, Pertamina, BCA

Publikasi Ilmiah

Hal yang perlu dipersiapkan:

  1. Pengurus: Ketua Pengarah,  Pengarah/Penanggung Jawab Pimpinan Redaksi, Wk. Pimpinan Redaksi, Redaktur Pelaksana, Koordinator Liputan, Tim Redaksi, Layouter & Illustrator, Fotografer, Sirkulasi.
  2. Bentuk: Soft dan Hard copy
  3. Konsumen: Instansi pemerintah, perusahaan, lembaga.
  4. Pendanaan: iklan, sponsor
  5. Konten/ Isi:
    1. Artikel Konsep/teori quality
    2. Liputan Progress Implementasi quality nasional & international
    3. Problem solving
    4. Standardisasi
    5. Individual Quality Improvement

Rekomendasi ke Pemerintah (Eksekutif, Legislatif, dan Yudikatif)

Hal yang perlu dipersiapkan:

  1. Tim perumus rekomendasi
  2. Kajian permasalahan masyarakat dan negara
  3. Peningkatan mutu masyarakat dan pemerintah
  4. Rekomendasi solusi dan teknis implementasi

Pembagian Tugas Bidang Humasdagri

Pembagian Tugas Humasdagri

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